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Seconds to Sunrise Page 14

  The lightest touch of his teeth on her throat had her moaning again. And again, louder, when she pressed her breast against his hand. He kissed her jaw and cheek. She leaned her head down so their mouths could meet again. This kiss built on all the fires they’d been burning. Her mouth was open to his, tongues probing deep.

  Tears welled in her eyes. She wanted this pleasure, to chase it to the end. But what if it was wrong? He tugged up on her shirt, and the kiss parted so he could swipe the fabric away. Cold judgment threatened to kill the moment. She wanted to cross her arms over her chest. Had she gone too far?

  “Lovely,” he whispered, chasing the chill. His eyes flashed in the dim light as he looked her up and down. “You’re lovely, April.” He waited, and didn’t rush her.

  “It’s too dark. You can’t see me.” But she wanted to believe him.

  “I’ve good night vision.” His hand rested casually on her knee. “I can see you’re skeptical. And I can see that tattoo over your left breast. A little bird with a long beak.”

  She wiped the tears away. “A hummingbird.” She’d been in Phoenix with Silvia when she’d gotten it.

  “Of course.” His voice smiled.

  Amazing that he could pick out that much detail. “It was an impulse, six months in the making.” Maybe the last thing she’d done that was outside of herself. But she hadn’t regretted seeing the little symbol of freedom and flight in the mirror.

  Another benefit of the decision was having James reach toward the tattoo. The memory of the buzzing, prickly pain was wiped away by the new sensation of the rough pads of his fingers over the bird. She didn’t want to cover up anymore.

  “I can feel its wings beating.” He moved his hand away so he could kiss the tattoo. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders and held him close. His mouth moved across the top of her chest, down between her breasts. His beard prickled on sensitive skin. A sense of panic cut into her. She felt too good, was too ready for the next experience. A long breath brought her focus back on the immediate moment: James kissing her chest, his body in her arms, his hands on her waist.

  He licked a warm circle around her nipple. She shuddered a sigh, dug her fingernails into his back, then gasped when he bit gently on the tight point. His teeth held the tip in place and his tongue flicked against the very end. Electric pleasure kicked her pulse faster with each touch. She ground her hips against the bed, stirring the heat that had gathered in her pussy.

  James lay them down on the mattress, stretching her out next to him. He skimmed his hands from her wrists all the way to her waist. He shifted to bring himself closer to her and his towel fell open. It was too dark for specifics, and her glasses were probably fogged anyway, but she couldn’t mistake the contrast between his skin and the light towel. He started to bring it back around him, but she stopped him with a hand on his arm.

  She murmured, “I wish my night vision was better.”

  He chuckled. “You’ll have to feel your way.”

  “Cheeky bastard.” Before he could answer, she placed her hand on his chest and moved it slowly down. She learned more details of his landscape. Muscles, bone, scars and rough areas. The body of a man who’d lived in conflict and survived. He wasn’t doing battle now. The potent energy was focused on pleasure. She searched further across his ribs and abs. There, she detected a quake, as if he was just as nervous as she was. It was reassuring to know they were in this together and he wasn’t in complete control.

  Her resolve was challenged as she caressed over his hip and along the top of his thigh. He tensed as well. The side of his erect cock brushed against her fingers. She glided the back of her hand along it. He sighed out and arched toward her. She wrapped her hand around his erection. Smooth skin. Firm. She stroked up and down while he moved with her, pushing forward and back. Having him react to her touch, so carnal and ready, deepened her need.

  “April.” Her name in his hurried breath made her body shudder. Sweat glossed her chest. He pulled her closer so they could kiss. She glided over his length. He filled her mouth with his tongue.

  His hand slicked over her sweat and the center of his palm hovered over her nipple, gently brushing the sensitive point and teasing her for more. She bit his lip, and his touch firmed so she could fully rub against him. The kiss parted and their faces remained close. The pace of their breath matched. Their bodies moved in rhythm.

  His hand trailed from her breast, past the center of her belly and to the edge of her yoga pants. His fingers paused there, at the border of her clothing. She surged forward, inviting him to proceed.

  The strokes on his cock slowed as her attention drew down to his hand skimming under her pants and over the skin at the top of her thigh. It almost seemed impossible, like it was happening to someone else, but the jump of her nerves was too real. He brought warmth everywhere he touched, and it joined with the needy heat of her pussy. The panties seemed so ordinary, though. A sliver of her worried they would ruin the mood. James wasn’t deterred by them, his fingers gliding over the cotton and down between her legs.

  His touch was so close to where she thrummed with need. She rolled her hips forward, encouraging him, but the yoga pants were too tight and bound the movement too much. The two of them released each other and he used both hands to swipe her pants away. He left her panties on.

  She turned back toward him, but he gathered her, sat them up and spun her so her back leaned against his chest and shoulder. His legs bracketed her and his cock lined the back of her hip. Drops of fire rained with his hand down her belly and to her crotch. She spread her legs. He pressed his fingers over her panties and along her wet cleft.

  “Ah, fuck...” She needed the support of his body as she jolted with the contact. With shivering legs, she dug her heels into the mattress so she could press harder back into him. He slowly rubbed up and down her pussy, drawing more moisture and heat from her.

  She held his thighs to brace herself. His breath tumbled over her bare shoulder and his mouth found her neck, just below the ear. All of her was aware of his motion and touch. The need for release that grew in her pussy extended out. It seemed like she could come just from the feeling of her naked thighs rubbing against his.

  He tugged her panties to one side and brought his wet touch directly to her lips. She rolled her hips to bring him up and down the folds. Her pulse thundered, and her breath clipped with her quick moans. His finger circled higher and rubbed along her clit.

  She froze. She gasped. The tremble struck through her. James stopped and placed his hand on her waist. Was she afraid? Was it just too much sensation all at once? When the initial shock diminished, she felt the desire still charging through her. But she didn’t know if she could satisfy it, or if her body was just too unaccustomed to this kind of intimacy.

  “We can stop.” He continued to hold her.

  She didn’t want to, but she didn’t know how to proceed. “Do you want to?”

  His erection and the tension in his body told her he didn’t. “I want you to feel good. I want to bring some pleasure to this clever, fierce, strong and brave woman I’m still learning.”

  “Tell me how you’ll do it.” So she could ready herself and not be shocked blind by the sudden pleasure.

  He murmured, “I’ll touch you again, along your pussy. Up and back, up and back again.” She could almost feel it and started moving her body. “I’ll circle your clit, test it. Rub my fingers down it.”

  “Now,” she told him. He complied, exactly has he’d described. First his fingers slipped over her lips and collected her moisture. He slicked along the folds, building her need higher. The tip of one of his fingers drew around her clit, sending electricity through the surrounding nerves. He paused at the top, allowing her to ready herself. Slowly, he ventured two fingers down over her clit. A reflex brought her legs together, and he immediately drew his hand back.
/>   Frustration choked her. She pulled off her glasses and tossed them onto the bed so she could rub at her eyes. Her body demanded his touch, her release, then betrayed her when she dove too deep into the pleasure. She was torn between allowing this private moment with James to self-destruct in disaster, or chasing it down no matter the cost. If he was as exasperated as she, he didn’t show it. He continued to hold her and support her with his steady body.

  She bit back tears. “I feel like I’ve ruined it.”

  “You haven’t ruined anything,” he reassured her.

  “Maybe I’m broken.” She hated the thought.

  “You’re not.” His hands grew stronger on her hip and shoulder. “You’re not at all. This is what makes you lovely. The way you feel. Sensitive to the world. To yourself.” He stroked gently down her arm. “You paint with very vivid colors.”

  Her frustration receded, but trepidation still gripped her. “Can we...try?”

  “We can,” he replied. His kisses on her cheek and temple were as soft as his words. She breathed deep and sank into his support. He stroked down from her hip and along her thigh. His other hand moved up to draw a delicate line between her breasts and back down again.

  She realized how tight her hands on his legs were and relaxed her fingers so she could trace the definition of his muscles. He growled a sigh that vibrated through his whole body. The rumble loosened her as well. She parted her legs. He dragged his fingers up the inside of her thigh. Nervousness rose with his hand, but his pace allowed her to acclimate herself with each inch higher. He reached her pussy and barely glanced his finger over her lips. She angled herself for him, as he grew bolder. With each stroke he increased the pressure. She moaned in time with him.

  “There you are,” he encouraged her. His fingers never reached her clit, only skimmed close and circled around so the hyper-sensitive bud wasn’t shocked.

  She reached back and found his cock. He moaned and nodded, his cheek on hers. She stroked up his length and rocked her body so her hip rubbed against it as well. Confidence grew. They could find pleasure however they needed. Her hand circled his head. He tested a finger into her opening. Warmth, edged with hot white, spread up into her chest and made her heart beat faster. She turned her head and coaxed him on with her mouth on his neck.

  He entered her again, deeper. And again, in and out. The pleasure she’d feared was gone rushed back. The two of them surged together. Their sweat mingled where her back met his chest. A climax approached, but swirled just out of reach. Her pace broke, with every part of her in disarray.

  James started to slip away from her, but she held his leg. “Wait, please.”

  “I’m not leaving.” He kissed her shoulder and disconnected his body from hers. He was quickly facing her, expression intense. “Lean back and take off your panties. I’m going to put my mouth on you.”

  The image alone sent jolts of yearning from her fingertips to her toes. Worry persisted in the corners of her mind. She tried to push it away as she reclined and arched her back to remove her panties. James shifted around her until his shadow hovered over her legs.

  He moved lower, and she opened to him. His hands caressed her legs, hips. One hand cupped her ass. His other fingers found her pussy again and slicked along the folds. Bright heat bloomed when he entered her. The blankets gathered in her hands. His kisses arced across her lower belly and spread the center of her warmth further out. She drew her knees up and braced her feet on the bed. The hazy shadow shapes disappeared from her vision when she closed her eyes. He continued to move in and out of her. The climax tantalized her from a distance.

  James’s kisses reached her mons, then dove lower. His tongue slicked through her folds to just below her clit. She quaked with the pleasure while the heat took her over in stronger and stronger waves. His finger plunged a little deeper, and his tongue swept up and above her bud. Fear burned away. It could’ve cost her the searing intimacy of James’s kiss. He tested the flat of his tongue across the tip of her clit. Pleading moans and demands filled her throat as the climax stormed closer. He swept over her another time, firmer. She encouraged him with words she could barely speak. The hard muscles of James’s shoulders and arms pressed against the insides of her thighs. Doubt couldn’t ruin her; the momentum had built too high. James continued to lick her and plunge deeper. She ran out of words and pulled the blanket from the bed as her body contracted before the release.

  He licked across her clit, then placed his lips around it and captured every sensitive nerve in her body. The orgasm slammed into her. Breath rushed. She sweated and gripped harder on the blankets and gathered them around her and James. Every fast heartbeat pulsed white in her closed eyes. Pleasure sped from where he kissed her to the far points of her body. The waves slowed as she caught her breath. He moved his finger slightly and shifted his mouth, sending out new sparks that renewed the rush. The bursts of heat evened to a steady glow.

  She reached down and stroked over James’s hair. He was real, not imagined. Solid and careful. He pulled his finger from her and kissed once more over her pussy before bringing his body next to hers.

  “April.” He placed his palm between her breasts, over her heart. She felt how fast it beat. The release had shaken the nerves from her body. She was naked and exposed and loved being that free.

  She put her hand on his and held him. Her voice was husky. “Thank you. For being patient.”

  “Anything for you.” He settled next to her and stroked through her hair.

  It should’ve been enough. Her body had wound tight, threatened to break and finally found release. Her spent muscles should’ve sunk into the mattress, relaxed. But an excited need still buzzed through her. She’d been daring and free and didn’t want to stop. Her hunger hadn’t been sated.

  She turned to James. “We’re not done.” To prove it, she slipped her hand over his waist and rolled him toward her. When they kissed she was nearly put off by tasting herself on his mouth. But it was so carnal that it made her feel more real and raw. She reached for his cock and found it still erect and ready. He thrust forward as she stroked over him. Her body yearned to know what he’d be like inside her. She whispered, “Do you have a condom?”

  His answer was tight with frustration. “I bought more bullets, not condoms. Never expected this. Or you.”

  “Maybe Silvia?” Going on the hunt threatened to stall her momentum.

  “Go up and ask her for one?” He sounded astounded at the idea. “What about in here?” He moved away from her, and she pawed over the rumpled bed for her glasses. She got them on and saw his shape standing over his boots.

  Red light pierced through the room. James stalked to the bedside table, holding a small flashlight. His body caught the glow and looked like a carving on an ancient temple dedicated to sex. Long, powerful limbs. Curved erection.

  “There we are,” he murmured victoriously. She scooted up the bed and saw an open box of condoms behind the open door of the cabinet beneath the bedside table. Silvia didn’t limit herself to one bedroom. “Shall I?” James reached for one.

  “Hurry.” She rolled back onto the bed. The foil crinkled as it tore. She watched James, cut in relief by the red glow, roll the condom on his cock. Incredibly erotic. Her pussy ached to know that length. “Leave the light on.”

  A devilish smile curled on his lips. He left the flashlight on the bedside table and crawled on the bed with her. Their bodies wound together. There was no momentum lost in the interlude. Her breath rushed in excited anticipation. She gasped with the flood of contact when he took her against his chest. His arms tightened around her, and she felt his desire match hers. He rolled them so she was on top.

  “I need to see you, too,” his low growl commanded gently. She blushed at being this open. But she had to obey his craving and her own. She sat up to straddle him, pressing his cock between them. She drew it
along her pussy and had to brace her hands on his chest when the pleasure thrummed up through her.

  More. She needed more and angled herself so his tip parted her lips. He remained still, gripping her thighs and staring into her face. The smile persisted on his mouth, but his eyes were focused. She eased back and drew him inside. Her pleasure strained as he stretched her. She slowed the pace; her body learned to accommodate him. It took more time than she wanted and only reminded her of how long she’d been dormant. But that memory faded as she was swept back into the now. James moved the backs of his fingers across one of her nipples in an even rhythm. He captured it as it firmed and rolled it and pinched it. The pleasure opened her, allowing her to sink deeper onto him.

  They sighed out together. He entered her completely. She paused, steadied herself and rocked her hips to move him in and out. She quickened. He thrust up to meet her. Where they met, she sparkled. Grinding blazed the pleasure higher.

  James watched her, rapt. She leaned down and brought their chests together. He coiled his arms around her and kissed her. She moaned into his mouth. Their bodies locked deeper. His heat glowed inside her and all around her. The kiss parted so she could breathe. She bit into his neck. They pushed harder and harder until another climax gathered around her like a storm.

  He must’ve sensed her impending release and urged her, “Yes, April. Yes, luv.”

  The orgasm rolled through her with a softer edge than the last. She gasped and bucked, sank him deeper into her so she could savor the deep glow. When she opened her eyes, she saw James’s intensity blazing.

  He rolled them and took the top. She hooked her legs around him and coaxed him with her nails in his shoulders. He thrust, and the remnants of her climax took her breath away. His brow knit and he bared his teeth, moving faster in and out of her.

  She barely found the air to speak. “Now, James... In me...”

  His muscles tensed and he buried himself in her. The release thundered through him and pulsed within her. She languished in the blaze. He collapsed toward her and turned so they lay on their sides, still intertwined.